Just wanted to leave praise for Anthony Innis and his incredible and unique guitars.
I purchased his Paduak/Spruce version. This guitar has an exceptional voice, all notes up and down the entire neck are perfect, no dead air pockets, rich clear singing trebles, bold full round and richly sustained basses, natural/artificial harmonics and 8va sound like ringing bells, it can receive all the playing dynamics of the professional guitarist, giving the player power to inflect any subtlety with a huge range. You play this guitar your way, without making up for anything lacking in its build.
Also, Anthony Innis has included many cutting edge and thoughtful features that place his guitars at the top of the field. The elevated neck "Humphrey style" creates ease of play, and promotes great volume, the port also sweetens the voice and keeps air moving in the box, the neck is so comfortable in your left hand and is attached brilliantly, the armrest is awesome, 12 pt tie block, the finest precision roller tuner machines, the bracing is a custom lattice utilizing special geometries to avoid creating identical shapes which allows the sound to develop more naturally while avoiding voice cancellation.
Truly, anyone who loves great classical guitars should consider an Anthony Innis concert guitar.
X Guitars, being his sole distributor, currently has some of Anthony's best creations to date, utilizing rare and exceptional woods you can dream of, one even has a removable "Torres-style tornovoz, Anthony is a guitarist's dream luthier, he will not disappoint.
Thank you, Jeffrey, for your help in getting me this guitar.
Cheers, Jon Conkey